About vet medicines






Animal health terms


Substances produced by or derived from living organisms, such as molds, and that kills or inhibits the growth or reproduction of bacteria.


Animal Drug Residues

Residual traces of a drug compound present in a food-producing animal’s edible tissues.


Animal Health Products

The pharmaceuticals, vaccines, feed additives and pesticides used in modern food production, and the medicines that keep pet animals healthy.


Antibiotic Resistance

The ability of microorganisms such as bacteria to withstand antibiotic treatment. Some bacteria are naturally resistant to specific antibiotics. In other cases, bacteria develop resistance over time to an antibiotic to which they were previously susceptible. Selection for resistance is a natural process that results in survival of the most resistant strains.



An agent that kills bacteria or suppresses their multiplication or growth. Includes antibiotics and synthetic agents.


Antimicrobial Resistance

The result of microbes changing in ways that reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other agents designed to cure or prevent infections.


Bacteria (singular: bacterium)

Any of a large group of microscopic, single-celled organisms that live in soil, water, plants, organic matter, or the live bodies of animals or people. Bacteria may be helpful, but in certain conditions may cause illnesses such as strep throat, most ear infections, and bacterial pneumonia.



Products that detect, stimulate or enhance an animal’s immunity to infection, and that are generally derived from living organisms.



Animalhealth CZ/SK - Czech and Slovak Veterinary Association of Veterinary Pharmaceutical companies


Diagnostic Test Kit

Biological or medical device that allows farmers and veterinarians to detect illness in animals.



A substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in humans or animals.



Proof of a product’s effectiveness. Used in approving animal health products.



Involving the digestive tract.


Feed Additive

Substance added to animal feed to improve its nutritional value, promote growth or control disease.



An invasion of an organism by a pathogen such as bacteria or viruses. Some infections lead to disease.


Major Species

Cattle, horses, swine, chickens, turkeys, dogs, and cats are designated as the major species. These are the largest domesticated species populations for which animal medicines are produced.



Any organism, such as a germ, virus or pathogen, of microscopic size.


Minor Species

All animals other than humans that are not one of the major species. Examples include: zoo animals, ornamental fish, parrots, ferrets, and guinea pigs. Some animals of agricultural importance are also minor species, such as sheep, goats, catfish, game birds, and honey bees (because they produce an edible product), among others.



Bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi that can cause disease.



Use of medicine to prevent or limit occurrence of disease.


Prudent Use (of antibiotics)

A set of principles developed by global organizations representing the animal health industry (IFAH), the veterinary profession (World Veterinary Association) and livestock producers (International Federation of Agricultural Producers), which emphasize professional supervision of antibiotic susceptibility and resistance, and consideration of alternatives to antibiotics. Prudent use can be defined more simply as the application of antibiotics only when justified to ensure production of safe and wholesome food and to provide demonstrable economic and environmental benefits without jeopardizing public health.



State Veterinary Administration



State Veterinary Institute for control of veterinary medicines and biologicals base in Brno and Nitra.


UVPS Košice

University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Košice



A biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. Typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe or its toxins.



University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno


Flea and Tick Products

Flea and tick infestations, along with intestinal parasites like heartworms, are controlled primarily through the use of pesticides. CSAVPC members work closely with the local agencies to license safe and effective chemical agents to combat the spread of parasites to the human population and to keep animals healthy.

Flea bites may be more than an itchy annoyance to some dogs and cats. Fleas feasting on a pet’s blood can lead to anemia and, in rare cases, death. Ticks can also harm pets, transmitting infections such as Lyme disease. And pets can bring ticks into the home, exposing families to illness from a tick bite.

Types of Flea and Tick Products
Hundreds of pesticides, repellents and growth inhibitors are available to protect pets from flea and tick infestations. Flea and tick products range from pills given by mouth to collars, sprays, dips, shampoos, powders and “spot-ons” – liquid repellents that are squeezed onto a dog’s or cat’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades or down the back.

Government Regulation

Flea and tick products for pets are regulated primarily by the local agency (ÚSKVBL Brno and ÚŠKVBL Nitra). The agencies base their decision to allow a drug or a pesticide to enter the market on a review of detailed information about the product’s safety and effectiveness, which is provided by the manufacturer or marketing authorization holder. It must be proved that the drug or pesticide meets current safety standards designed to protect the targeted animals, people coming in contact with those animals, and the environment.



Similar to human vaccines, animal vaccines are administered to prevent diseases from occurring in animals. Routinely vaccinating animals is often more affordable than paying for the treatment of sick animals, reduces transmission of microorganisms in the animal population, and reduces animal suffering. Pets are often given vaccines for infectious diseases such as rabies, parvovirus, distemper and hepatitis. Livestock animals, such as turkeys, chickens and cattle, are vaccinated to protect against diseases such as rotavirus, E. coli, pinkeye and brucellosis.

The proper application of vaccines to animal populations has enhanced their health and welfare, and prolonged their life expectancies. The goal of a vaccination program is to prevent or reduce disease, and thereby promote optimal patient, herd and public health. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended because these serious disease agents continue to thrive in certain environments.

Types of Animal Vaccines
Animal vaccines are part of a broader category of animal medicines called veterinary biologics (VB). VB products work primarily through the stimulation of the immune system in order to prevent or treat diseases.

Government Regulation
Veterinary biologics are regulated by the ÚSKVBL Brno and ÚŠKVBL Nitra.



Animal pharmaceuticals are primarily used to treat or prevent diseases or infections. Both vaccines and pharmaceuticals are needed to keep animals healthy; while vaccines exist for some conditions, pharmaceuticals are still needed to treat some diseases and infections similar to human healthcare.

Because animals can’t take their own medications like humans can, animal pharmaceuticals come in a variety of forms to allow the owner or veterinarian to administer the needed medications. These forms include pills, liquids, injections, powders, “drenches” (drenching the animal in a liquid form of the pharmaceutical), “feed additives” (putting it in their food), or “boluses” (a large pill designed for veterinary use).

Types of Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals encompass a broad range of products, including anti-parasitic drugs, anti-inflammatory medications, anesthetics, pain medications, antibiotics and specialized products used to manage reproductive, cardiovascular or metabolic conditions. Veterinarians are trained in the diagnosis and proper treatment of diseases in animals, and should always be consulted and involved in decisions to medicate animals.

Government Regulation
Veterinary pharmaceuticals are regulated by the ÚSKVBL Brno and ÚŠKVBL Nitra. The standards and processes for reviewing pharmaceuticals used for animals are the same in most respects as those used for reviewing pharmaceuticals intended for humans.



CSAVPC members develop medicines that protect the health and enhance the well-being of animals. These animal medicines are vigorously researched and tested for safety, purity and efficacy by our member companies before being submitted for additional review, research, testing and, ultimately, approval by government regulatory agencies.